IRISH I WAS NOT SMELLING CABBAGE RIGHT NOW. So I’m gonna throw this out there as a public safety warning for all those who either are or wanna try to be Irish on St. Patty’s Day with a nice corned beef and cabbage meal. Omit the cabbage. I’m not kidding. I got this new cookbook and was trying to make soup and when I went into the store they had this huge container of precut veggies and I thought why not just get that…so easy! I threw it in the Crockpot and bailed…for hours….and came back making the gruesome discovery that amongst those other tender veggies was a huge cabbage and now my house smells like your dad’s bathroom on a Sunday morning!!! Dude so gross. I can’t even imagine putting that in my mouth if this is how bad it smells before it goes in you.
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