And while were on the subject of WTF….how come LA has such classy jewelry?
And speaking of shitty jewelry, who the fuck buys this bullshit from Sears & JC Pennys? Why do department stores always have the tackiest settings? I picture some overweight cackling hag from Oklahoma flaunting one of these….ha…that or Jessica Simpson. Sorry girl but YO RING IS FUGLY.
And then there is this…how can you have the word junior even on this sign? It’s like skinny jeans that come in size 14! Just cause you put the word skinny on your ass doesn’t make it true.
This is a camera you strap onto your pet so that you can see the world as your pet see's it. Who (unless your high as a damn kite) is watching pets shit and sleep all day?
Oh and I had to throw myself on the WTF list today. I was dressed in all black but couldn’t find my black gloves so I had to take the white ones and just use my Mickey Mouse voice all day! OH Boy!
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