Seeing as it's that time of year to watch super scary movies we decided to indulge in a Halloween marathon last night which lead to a disussion on "Movies you watched as a child that scarred you". So my son decides to google that and up pops this movie call Pom Poko which is THE most fantastic thing you will ever come across in your lifetime. It's a Japanese cartoon in which Raccoon Ball sacks are used as Rugs, parachutes and weapons....Now I'm not a guy but I've met some ball sacks in my life and I gotta say if I had one and could turn it into a parachute or beat people up with it that would be considered cool, not traumatizing am I right?? Either way, what the fuck is up with the Japanese? How can a culture that seems so not sexual come up with so much weird ass shit and in cartoon form no less?
P.S. Someone plz teach me how to embed videos in my blogs.
You just get the embed code, copy and paste it where you want it on the blog.