Saturday, February 12, 2011

Vagina Make Over

I have had the worst insomnia lately which usually means I have something going on in my life that needs to either be settled or sorted out. So the other night as I lie awake unable to sleep I decided to Google the shit out of insomnia. I read this thing that said you’re supposed to be awake for at least 16 hours a day so say you get up at 9am your not even suppose to try to go to sleep until 1am! So see maybe I don’t have insomnia maybe I’m just not being awake enough. I’d be so lost without Google.

Anyways, my girlfriend told me the best story I’ve ever heard the other day. You know how there are certain terms you never want to hear from your doctor? Well my girlfriend wins the award for this one. So after she gave birth to her child the doctor is down there for like 45 mins sewing her up when all of a sudden she hears…hmmm I’m going to start all over, it looks kind of haggard down here.

1. having a gaunt, wasted, or exhausted appearance, as from prolonged suffering, exertion, or anxiety; worn: the haggard faces of the tired troops.

Bahahhahaha no girl, nowhere, EVER wants someone to refer to her vagina as haggard….especially a doctor…one who just created that Mona Lisa!!! Aahahhaha…..the good news is, the doctors “Re-do” turned out nicely but still. I would have loved to have seen the look on my friends face when she heard that. Kinda makes you wanna double up on birth control right?

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